ALBUM REVIEWS “Til Kirsten”, 2023

Music Frames, NL

“ They cherish their ambitions and do exactly what they are good at: composing, arranging and performing music, without concessions.”

– Mattie Poels. Full review in Dutch/English

RootsWorld, US

“…the entire album is filled with gorgeous melodies..”

– Chris Nickson. Full review in English

Folk World, GB

“There is something in the music of this trio – their choice of material, the creative harmonies, the way cello and violins communicate, the charming voices – which directly touches the soul.”

– Micheal Moll. Full review in English

“A second album from this Danish trio is a treat both vocally and instrumentally.”

– Alex Monaghan. Full review in English, DE

“ It’s all wonderful and melodiously Danish.”

– Gabriele Haefs. Full review in German

Rootszone, DK

“With their strong technical skills and musical prowess, they have managed to combine the retention of their thoroughly arranged music with both presence and nerve in both the traditional and self-composed pieces”.

– Nils Thorlund. Full review in Danish

ALBUM REVIEWS “Vesselil”, 2018

Global Music Magazine (DE)

“The newly founded women’s folk trio Vesselil from Denmark shows with their self titled debut album what we mean when we speak of ‘re-shine’. […] So modern and at the same time respectfully interpreted.”

– Global Music Magazine. Full review in German (DK)

“The arrangements of the album are especially impressive (…). The notes merge – seemingly effortlessly – in and out between each other with great confidentiality. It is a great debut album that makes you want to hear a lot more from Vesselil.”

Allan E. Petersen. Full review in Danish

Muziek Mozaïek Folk & Jazz (BE)

“…the synergy works here in an optimal way and the skillful use of the strings, together with the beautiful vocal input, makes this a beautiful album.”

– René Warny. Full review in Flemish

Songlines (UK)

“There’s a fresh purity in the non-vibrato playing, which makes the close harmonies edgy and bright”

– Simon Broughton. Full review in English

FolkWorld (DE)

“Despite its dark and brooding nature, this is a very absorbing album, technically excellent and musically magnificent, perfect for those dark winter nights with a roaring fire and a few like-minded friends.”

– Alex Monaghan. Full review in English

Des Mondes de Musiques (FR)

“These three musicians […] know how to vibrate the strings of their instruments with sensuality, emotion and energy.”

– Gerard Viel. Full review in French

Hembygden (SE)

“Vesselil is sweet-sounding. Some tunes lure you into dancing, others should just be enjoyed”

– Bengt Wittgren. Full review in Swedish


Frederiksdal Chamber Folk Festival 2022

”Afslappet, muntert og personligt nærværende med smil og historiefortælling leverede trioen en både flot og charmerende optræden.”

– Mikkel Poulsen, Resonator. Read the full review in Danish

Musik over Præstø Fjord 2018

“If you sit close by the entrance to “Viseteltet” this Saturday evening to listen to the superb string trio Vesselil, who almost sets the roof on fire with their playing, and with the audience jumping and shouting excitedly, you will know that many people will go in vain, if they haven’t got a seat.”

– Allan E. Petersen. Read the full review in Danish

Tanz & Folk Festival Berlin 2018

“Vesselil played a very emotional, heart touching concert at Tanz & Folk Festival Berlin no.2 which left a lasting impression. Maja, Elisabeth and Clara did not just a “show”, but seemed to play straight from their souls.
Although it was not meant to be dance music, the listeners finally could not resist to dance along the wonderful music making this gig a feast for both the audience and the band.” 

– Ronald Rost

“Being in their kind caring company and listening to their music awakens your own fairy tales. Their diligence and respectful effort is towards not only the material but also in and between each other. As they unify, the audience unifies with them in transforming the concert into an experience. They are recreational creative in a perfect balance of tension and relief. Simply like breathing fresh air.

Meet them! After a meeting the world might look the same but it is not, because you have changed.”

– Søren Iversen

“A concert with Vesselil is highly recommended. Not only do the musicians play absolutely compelling and with presence, but the music in itself is new, forward and lively concert music with roots thoroughly planted/based in our common (Danish) music culture.”

– Poul Udbye Pock-Steen